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联系人:姜学莹 座机:86-512-63395163 邮箱:1290780632@qq.com 传真:86-0512-63395169 地址:江苏省苏州市吴江区菀坪镇开发西路11号

苏州日和缝制设备有限公司 位于吴江太湖新城镇(菀坪)缝纫特色产业基地。公司是集生产、制造、销售于一体的专业制造厚料工业缝制机的企业。专业从事制鞋、帽、箱包、手袋、家具用工业缝纫机的生产、制造、销售。拥有一套完整的品质管理体系和先进的质量检测仪器及精密加工设备,具有独立开发产品的能力。
SUZHOU RIHE SEWING EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. is located in Wujiang Taihu new town (wanpin) sewing industry base. The company is an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of thick material industrial sewing machines, which integrates production, manufacture and sales. Specializing in shoes, hats, bags, handbags, furniture, industrial sewing machine production, manufacturing, marketing.Have a complete quality management system and advanced quality inspection instruments and precision processing equipment, with independent development of products.
The company with many domestic and foreign well-known brands business cooperation, such as: Gold Emperor Group, Kangnai Group Co.,Ltd., Zhejiang nature Shoes Co. Ltd. and Zhejiang Gemeiq Shoes Co. ltd..
With reasonable price, excellent quality and perfect customer service service, to provide quality products and satisfactory service for the customer service customers, Suzhou Rihe Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd.  wish to work


周一至周五 8:30-17:00
